Is eminem gay in real life

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The interview sequence in which he appeared was a scripted scene acted out for a movie, not a real off-the-cuff interview. Whatever he might personally feel, however, Eminem is not shown in that film making frank admissions about his lyrics, his feelings towards old people, or his sexuality.

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This headline, coupled with the fact that many people had yet to see the controversial Seth Rogen movie, led some to question whether Eminem’s comments about his sexuality made in that film were real. Websites such as the Huffington Post, Billboard and the Advocate published a clip from the film along with headlines similar to “Eminem Comes Out as Gay in The Interview“: Shortly after moviegoers witnessed Eminem’s cameo in the movie The Interview (released in late 2014), rumors began circulating about the authenticity of comments the rap star made during the course of an interview included in that film.

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